School Drop Off and Pick Up Line Safety

Every school has different rules and procedures for student drop off and pick up. The most important thing is to get in and out safely. Between younger children not being aware of their surroundings, teenagers getting distracted by their phones, and drivers not always being aware or respectful, the minutes just before and after the bell rings can seem like running the gauntlet. Continuously teach your kids that safety comes first, and follow these tips.

Bus Stop Safety

  • Children should always stay out of the road and not roughhouse near the curb.
  • When the bus comes, wait for the doors to open before trying to board.
  • If your child walks to the bus stop, make sure they are well-versed in pedestrian safety.
  • If you drive your child to the bus stop and miss the bus, do not chase after the bus and try to flag it down. If possible, arrange alternative transport to school, and if your child is going to be late, pull over and call the office.
  • If you pick your child up at the bus stop, make sure they know what to do if you aren’t there. Whether they should call you on their cell phone, wait for you, walk home, or ride home with a neighbor, make sure they know the backup plan beforehand.

School Drop Off and Pick Up Safety

  • Follow all signs and directions, drive defensively, and err on the side of caution.
  • If traffic jams routinely occur around the school, some drivers are more likely to make unsafe choices. Let the office know if you are concerned.
  • If drivers regularly speed around the school zone, let the local police department know about your concerns. Even an unmanned camera vehicle can slow people down.
  • If you find the procedures confusing (or suspect that other parents might be confused), ask the office if they could communicate to parents about the issues and/or make improvements.
  • Make sure your child knows where to meet you, and what to do if you’re running late. Avoid using your cell phone while driving.

In the United States, we are lucky to have designated school zones with crosswalks and pedestrian bridges where needed. Accidents are preventable. So, keep a healthy perspective and set a safe example for when your kids start driving themselves.